Channel: race – Fresno Criminal Lawyer
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It Starts With The Children

Whenever someone wants to pass a bad law, the sales pitch is nearly always based on the idea that we need to “do it for the children.” I originally titled this post “Do It To The Children,” but as I...

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Race War [Updated]

From the moment the news was out that Darren Wilson had killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, there was probable cause to hold Wilson to answer at trial. Yet, from the moment the news was out...

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Why You Look Racist

This blog post started as a “simple” response to someone on Facebook who appears to have racist motivations for her posts, but I decided to imagine for a moment that she isn’t really an intentional...

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It Starts With The Children

Whenever someone wants to pass a bad law, the sales pitch is nearly always based on the idea that we need to “do it for the children.” I originally titled this post “Do It To The Children,” but as I...

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Race War [Updated]

From the moment the news was out that Darren Wilson had killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, there was probable cause to hold Wilson to answer at trial. Yet, from the moment the news was out...

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Recognizing Race

As CNN notes, There’s a predictable pattern to the aftermath of too many deadly police shootings: Neighbors and anti-police brutality groups take to the streets. Groups supporting the officers stand up...

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American Tribalism: Look Out! It’s a Bear!

One of the stories that crossed my field of view today involved the seeming resurgence of racism in America. In a minute or three, it may become clear why I used the word “seeming” there. But whatever...

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It Starts With The Children

Whenever someone wants to pass a bad law, the sales pitch is nearly always based on the idea that we need to “do it for the children.” I originally titled this post “Do It To The Children,” but as I...

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Race War [Updated]

From the moment the news was out that Darren Wilson had killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, there was probable cause to hold Wilson to answer at trial. Yet, from the moment the news was out...

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A Sickness Worse Than Coronavirus

There is a sickness worse than coronavirus in our land. I must write about it, even though I don’t feel fully qualified to speak on all aspects of it. I just hope I say something useful. Backlash of...

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To Hell in a Handbasket

“Death to the Constitution!” “Long Live the Constitution!” Seems like these days, we can’t make up our minds. The same person on different occasions, depending on the circumstances in which they find...

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Race & Law in America

As I write this, someone is hacking away at an article I’ve written elsewhere for publication. I’m not going to say much about that right now, because I will wait to see what happens to the article. I...

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Alabama Purge

In 2013, James DeMonaco riffed off an old Star Trek episode to come up with “The Purge,” a dystopian movie about a seemingly “law and order,” crime-free America — crime-free because once a year, all...

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